General Event Support
Berry Events can be sure to help you with your event, we can provide advanced planning prior to the event as well as Stewards, Marshals, Car park attendants, Security and much more.
Our team have a wealth of experience in event safety, we have helped a number of events with Event safety plans, General Event plans, Safety management plans, Road closure plans etc.

Event Stewards
Berry Events have been a popular choice for a number of local event organisers. We are able to provide your event with professional event stewards to assist with a number of roles, including Car parking, crowd control site management and site security,
Event Road closures
And Traffic Management
Berry events can provide full event traffic management. This includes traffic management plans, event safety plans and much more!

Event Security
Friendly, Professional Security for all events
If your event requires security, Weather that's a full security team, or just one security guard to monitor a teenage party, we will be able to find the perfect match for you. Enquire today!
Event Office Hire
Would your Event benefit from a portable event office?
We are able to assist, this can be used as a event staff office, radio control room. announcement box and much more!

Radio Hire
Event Gantry
HI-Vis Hire